translating time

英 [trænzˈleɪtɪŋ taɪm] 美 [trænzˈleɪtɪŋ taɪm]

网络  翻译时间



  1. Remember, these comments help translators to get to know what they are translating; keep in mind that most of the time, they do not see and understand the source code.
  2. I am translating this letter at the same time, my child is taking a walk in garden.
  3. I finish translating the main clue of the 《 the big time 》 this afternoon.
  4. To take charge of making contact with translation companies and urge them into translating documents correctly and on time.
  5. An analysis of the different strategies adopted in translating the same work by different translators in different time and their cultural background may shed some light on how the relative status of the source culture and the target culture may shift over time.
  6. Such aesthetic action has different characteristics at different times, so the main translating methods and strategies vary from time to time.
  7. Validity& different translating versions of the same work in different times are valid owing to the new life endowed by different time parameters;
  8. The SiYi House in the Ming dynasty of China and SiYi Court in Korea dynasty were both "translating" organization in an official capacity at that time. The main aim was to foster translating talent and translate the intercourse document of present tribute countries.
  9. Three methods for translating BCI control signal were developed. They are ( 1) the signal recognition algorithm based time domain features;
  10. While translating into Chinese, trademarks should be chosen to cater to the aesthetic psychology of Chinese consumers, at the same time, translation principles and methods should be paid attention to.
  11. Chinese translating activity started very early. Though the massive translating activity should be traced to the source of sutra translation which started in East Han, the proper literary translation started in modem time.
  12. Using power function to describe the production rate, pressure and translating them into laplace space, the early time testing data of the pumping well can be modified to the radio flow period.
  13. This paper proposes a method by translating the series from time domain to frequency domain, then to a string sequence.
  14. The reason is that when translating its brand name, a company always wants to achieve the oneness in pronunciation between the original name and the translated one and at the same time, make the translated brand name meaningful to the target consumers.
  15. Experiment 2 used the double-task paradigm to investigate whether the high-level process ( planning, translating and revising) can be activated with the low-level motor execution at the same time.
  16. Translating different responses of long span bridge into multi-objects to optimize at the same time by using NSGA-ⅱ optimization algorithm. It avoids the subjective influence of choosing weight coefficient by human.